About Linda

Linda Barnes, M.S., obtained bachelors degrees in both English and Psychology because she couldn’t decide

between the two. After completing a masters in Psychology, she did post-graduate studies and became a Certified

Journal Facilitator (CJF) through the Center for Journal Therapy in Colorado with founder Kathleen Adams.

She later became a Certified Applied Poetry Facilitator (CAPF) and was a member of the board of the National

Federation for Biblio/Poetry Therapy. She served as President of the expanded International Federation for

Biblio/Poetry Therapy for four years.

A retired personal counselor and higher education faculty member, she continues her work in poetry and

journal facilitation. Linda also teaches with the Therapeutic Writing Institute, which trains journal and poetry


Linda contributed animal wisdom prompts for the book Journal Therapy for Overcoming Burnout published by

Sterling. She was a contributor to Tristine Rainer’s classic book, The New Diary, and sponsored an appearance in

Denver, Colorado by the author Anaïs Nin, with whom she corresponded for several years.

Linda has won several awards for her poetry and is included in the Oregon Poetic Voices ProjectHer personal

diary extends to well over 50,000 pages and keeps growing.

She is a founding member of the Rogue Valley Chapter of the Oregon Poetry Association. For 15 years she

coordinated the Southern Oregon Poetry Prize for the Downtowners Coffee House monthly reading group, which

offered cash prizes to local poets. She has served as a judge in several poetry other contests.

Linda is a sought-after writing coach and workshop presenter. Use the “Contact” tab above to reach her, to

learn about Campfire, her online writing club, or to ask about studying with her or inviting her to speak to your
